
Lip Color and Lip Liner

This procedure is both lip liner and lip-fill. The vermilion border, or lip line can be tattooed slightly outside the border to give the appearance of larger, poutier lips. As time marches on, our lips begin to appear thinner, irregular, and faded. The lips take a lot of wear and tear and it is little wonder that as we mature, women want plump, colorful, well-defined lips, which we enjoyed in our youth. Over time, sun damage, medical conditions, hormonal changes, and tissue trauma all contribute to loss of definition and natural color. Permanent Makeup application is a major contributor to a more youthful appearance. Note: If a client has ever had a cold sore or fever blister, then she must get a prescription from her doctor, enough for a total of 2 or maybe 3 procedural applications (4 weeks apart). The three prescribed drugs for this are: Zovirax, Famvir and Valtrex. Typically the régime to follow would be to start taking the medication 3 to 4 days prior, during and after your procedure.

Lip Liner

Lip Liner can give the appearance of a more defined lip or even-out an asymmetrical lip border. Most women eventually want to have their whole lip colored in permanently, because it looks the most natural.

What to Expect with Permanent Lip Color and Lip Liner

Lip color and Lip Liner tend to be quite dark upon completion of the first application. This is temporary. Expect the lips to go through various changes – lips will be darker the following day and around the tenth day will look like they were never done; about the twelfth to fourteenth day the pigment resurfaces. So expect that one minute your lips will look very dark, the next hour they will look like nothing was done at all. Sometimes the pigment may even appear to have vanished from the treated area completely. It is still there, but went in rather as a “primer” coat that will be brought to the surface with a second application. This occurs because of certain qualities in an individual’s skin; it usually has nothing to do with the type of pigment used or the way it was applied.

Lips may feel chapped for several days, and it’s recommended you apply Aquaphor, which can be purchased at your local drugstore. Bruising may also occur, however this is usually minor and may appear in the typical “black and blue” patch or streak, or in red. If you feel it necessary, any bruising may be concealed with makeup. Clinque’s Continual Coverage is one of many concealers available today. It is available for about $12-$15 at larger department stores. If you use this type of product, avoid getting it on the actual permanent makeup line itself. Baby oil (mineral oil) is probably the best way to remove this concealer without disturbing the permanent makeup ……but this does not mean you can use baby oil on the treated area but ONLY to remove the concealer.

When the area has healed, there is a much greater chance that the permanent make-up will be too light or too subtle. This is one reason that I offer (1) one free touch-up procedure. Most clients are satisfied with 2 total applications, however additional touchup procedures are $50 each, per procedure, per visit. The touch-up is fast and easily tolerated and is recommended so that your makeup will be just right. During this application the makeup can be balanced, supplemented, darkened, lightened, moved, changed or altered in any way necessary. It is much easier to add pigment than to remove it. If it is initially applied too radically, the client is almost always unhappy, at least until she gets used to the change in appearance or has it corrected.